Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Dark Knight Rises, Going Inside, & La La Dog...

Ah, what's better than a relaxing afternoon of retreating into artwork and mainlining "Batman: The Animated Series"??? However flawed, I'm still the contrarian who enjoys Nolan's "Dark Knight Rises" more than its predecessor, "The Dark Knight". Maybe it's the fact that a non-comics story finally got Selina Kyle right, maybe it's the ferocity and hilarity of Tom Hardy's Bane, maybe it's Bats having to get rid of a bomb in the end just as he did in the end of 1960s movie. Whatever the reason, this afternoon I found it striking that the BAS team and writer Denny O'Neil did not get a story credit for DKR because if you swap out Bane for Ra's Al Ghul and eschew the addition of the Lazarus Pit's Earth-cleansing power, Season 3's "The Demon's Quest" is basically the raw plot outline for that film. Then again, the more I rewatch this show the more I notice the roots of the Nolan Brothers' collective bat-sensibilities...

Speaking of Denny O'Neil, also posted is one last Question drawing I did while finishing up my reading of his run on that character (which ended spectacularly, I might add).

And lastly, here's a dog I sketched out and colored while watching the delightful film "La La Land" last Saturday night. No disrespect to Damien Chazelle and company, but I watched "Moonlight" the same evening and yup, the Academy got it right. Both were wonderful but let's be serious, "Moonlight" was a transcendent masterpiece we need right now more than ever while "La La Land" simply dug in and scratched my itch for an invigorating musical story of life in showbiz...

Spinner-Rack #1 Comic Book (80 Pages / Black & White) available On Etsy, Zanadu Comics, Arcane Comics, & at the Fantagraphics Store & Gallery

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