Saturday, September 30, 2017

Behold the Vision (From Melmac)!!

With the confluence of Marvel Legacy being upon us (see below)* and finally getting my complete run of Michael Gallagher & Dave Manak's ALF comic book series bound by the good folks at Herring & Robinson Bindery I couldn't help but wonder what ALF's Legacy numbering would be if Marvel ever brought him back...  

And really, why hasn't ALF come back???  

Every other 1980-1990's property with a modicum of nostalgia bankability has been successfully revived for all infinity or cynically plundered since the early 2000s, why not the lovable alien with the personality of a standup comic???

All this is to say if you count up ALF's 50 issue monthly run from 1988 to 1992, the 3 Annuals, 2 Holiday Specials, & 1 Spring Special he'd be restarting at #57.  

So, in the spirit of another famous Marvel #57, 1968's Avengers #57 (1st Appearance of The Vision) here's a little mock cover bringing Gordon Shumway back to the Marvel U, "Vision Style"!!

*My Marvel Legacy Read-List
1) This is the stuff I'm already reading...
Daredevil, Champions, Black Bolt, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur, & Mighty Thor

2) I'm giving these a shot based on the artists announced...
Moon Knight, Tales of Suspense, Spidey/Deadpool, & Marvel 2-in-1

Enjoy the daily "Spinner-Rack" webcomic as it continues or buy a physical copy of Spinner-Rack #1 on Etsy.

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