A time-displaced Jean, Scott, Hank, Bobby, & Warren have been back for a few years now, but it looks like these Silver Age versions of the original 5 are sticking around post-"Secret Wars" in the All-New All-Different Marvel U. This is despite all but Jean & Scott having their older counterparts still kicking around in the present. So yeah, technically Jean Grey got resurrected again as part of a natural story progression with zero stunt fanfare. I have to give Brian Michael Bendis credit there, and that's not to mention the fact that he also left future writers with a time-displaced young Scott Summers who doesn't have the baggage of being a guy like the Cyclops we've known for the past 40 years...
I drew this when I was still excited about the beautifully drawn Humberto Ramos series "Extraordinary X-Men" but despite 2 awesome final page reveals that are almost too baldly meant to hit the reader in the easy x-feelz I'm dropping off at issue 3. It's no slight toward the writer, he's free to pull influence from whatever era of the characters he likes, but seriously, who loved super-religious 1990s & early 2000s Nightcrawler???
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