Wednesday, July 10, 2024

🌙 The David Lynch Zine is available now!! 🌙

🌙 The David Lynch Zine 🌙

I'm back with the third in a series of themed art series zines. This one's dedicated to one of my favorite filmmakers of all-time and his 10 film filmography.

I should have this in PNW comic shops soon but you can always get a copy at Etsy.

Commissions & Art Inventory Inquiries: joshualincolnnelson[at]

#art #ink #penandink #cartooning #zine #drawing #comics #film #DavidLynch




















Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A new zine on the way next week, mutant pizza, & more...

Well, my new zine is at the printers and I'll be posting it next week. I can't wait to share the theme and show how it turned out.
In the meantime, I wanted to post a few pieces I never shared over the course of putting together Luck 13 Vampiress Zine, Slam-A-Zine, and this next one to come.
First off, here's a Tim Burton's Batman '89 piece, followed by one of David Lynch's Mulholland Drive (hint hint), then a meeting of the last 2 characters Steve Ditko created for Marvel, Speedball & Squirrel Girl, & a piece I did for my niece based on a 90s Supergirl cover.
Lastly, there are the 2 characters (Mondo Gecko & Fugitoid) I did for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle-themed charity trading card project called Mutant Pizza.
Get a deck if you still can at gumroad.
All my zines are available at my etsy store.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

 🏀 Slam-A-Zine is available now!! 🏀


I'm back with the second in a series of themed art series zines. This one's an ode to basketball greats and their most iconic kicks.

I should have Slam-A-Zine in Seattle & Portland comic shops soon and will list shops as that happens but until then, you can always get a copy at Etsy.

Commissions & Art Inventory Inquiries: joshualincolnnelson[at]

#art #ink #penandink #cartooning #zine #drawing #comics #basketball #sneakers

Saturday, October 2, 2021

❤ Lucky 13 Vampiress Zine is available now!! ❤

Hey Y'all,

I'm back with the first in series of themed art series zines. The first is an ode to horror inspired by an interesting commission, an initial homage to an old Vampirella cover, and my recent interest outside Corben & Ditko in the Warren Horror Magazines and their modern day descendants. The next theme is going to be quite different, so stay tuned.

I should have this initial offering, "Lucky 13 Vampiress Zine", in Seattle & Portland comic shops soon and will list shops as that happens but until then, you can always get a copy at Etsy: 

Commissions & Art Inventory Inquiries: joshualincolnnelson[at]

#art #ink #penandink #cartooning #zine #drawing #comics #horror #goth #vampire #vampiress #vamp #Halloween



Monday, February 1, 2021

Dua Lipa, New Series X-Men Cards, & some interesting commissions...

Hey Y'all,

Hope everyone's doing okay amid our wild world. I got around to scanning and coloring a batch of art and here it is. 

Discovered Dua Lipa late but the impact of her music has had on me is immense. From "Future Nostalgia" working my way back through her debut and forward with content new/old and remixes galore it's been a constant bright spot in a strange year.

Next up are cards I did for Scott Modrzynski (@MojosWork)'s 2nd soon-to-be-revealed 'Cards of X' trading card series. So cool to do more mutant-related work with a such a talented collection of artists.

List of characters:

After that, a meeting of 2 comedy legends, Dave Chappelle & Bugs Bunny. I've heard Dave say Bugs was one of his biggest influences a bunch of times and needed to get this one out there.

Lastly, I sold a mini-comic on etsy & the customer submitted a very interesting request (his original character, Tiger Girl | WARNING: Partial Nudity) for his sketch so I put a little extra effort in. He liked it so much, he commissioned a Biotron from me, posted below that.

As always, follow me on twitter @Air_Bacon8er and get my mini-comic & original art (coming soon) at etsy.



Sunday, July 12, 2020

From The Prisoner to Bill & Ted...

I guess it's fitting that I did a piece in tribute to the 1960s classic, The Prisoner as the covid lockdown dragged on for good reason. We're all living in our own personal villages right now! All praises to Steranko and Dali on this one for the inspiration. It's about time for a full rewatch of this gem but after this new Perry Mason reboot and catching up on a couple other things.

I also did a drawing of the smallest and newest members of my family, my niece and my parents' new dog. This one came together quickly and I wish I'd drawn it on thicker bristol.

Finished out the last of the Spidey rogues with The Shocker, another triumphant Steve Ditko design. 

Lastly, I did this Bill & Ted piece of the dudes based on their 90s animated incarnation but in their "Bogus Journey" outfits thinking I'd enter it in a contest for the highly-anticipated (by me) 3rd movie. Sadly, I neglected to look at the contest rules and reading the legalise, written in the voice of Bill & Ted I might add, it became painfully obvious that the enterprise making this 3rd film happen does not own a lot of the stuff from the 1st 2 movies and depicting these 2 most excellent dudes outside of their Face The Music incarnations calls for disqualification!
Bogus for sure, but I had a lot of fun with this one and still can't wait for the new film and comic book.

As always, follow me on twitter @Air_Bacon8er and get my mini-comic & original art at etsy.